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Head of crozier (crosse) (Side 2)

Head of crozier (crosse) (Side 2)
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Munich, Bayerisches Nationalmuseum

Inv. MA 1997


Height: 153 mm
Width: 110 mm
Depth: 18 mm

Side 1: Standing Virgin and Child (Vierge glorieuse); two angels holding candlesticks.
Side 2: Crucifixion with the Virgin and saint John the Evangelist; cruciform halo.
Dragon head swallowing the staff.

Koechlin Number: 0759

Koechlin 1924: France, end of the 2nd quarter of the 14th century.
Berliner 1916, France, c. 1350.
Munich 2010: Paris, mid 14th century.
Museum's opinion 2014: Paris, mid 14th century.


Polychromy - Gilding
Traces of gilding and polychromy: red (Christ's side wound, the Virgin's lips).

Carved in the round.

Object Condition
The volute broke along a vertical axis and was glued back together.
Side 1: candles in candlesticks held by the angels; foliated decoration along both sides of the volute partly broken (or filed) on the Vierge Glorieuse side (some crosshatching may imply that the decoration was made of different pieces of ivory once glued to these surfaces).
Side 2: upper part of Christ's arm, lower part of the Virgin's cloak; right part of the horizontal cross beam and saint John the Evangelist's left hand repaired with an unidentified substance, possibly wax.
Dowel hole at the bottom to secure the staff.

Frauenzell Monastery; transferred to the Zentralgemäldedirektion as part of the secularisation, Munich in 1811; transferred from the Königliche Vereinigte Sammlungen to the Bayerisches Nationalmuseum, Munich in 1866.

J. M. Schottky, Ueber Münchens Kunstschätze und künstlerische ... Bestrebungen. Abth. 1. Münchens öffentliche Kunstschätze im Gebiete der Malerei geschildert, etc., Munich 1833, p. 272.
W. Füssli, Münchens vorzüglichste öffentliche Kunstschätze: Ein kritisch-erläuternder Leitfaden für Fremde und Einheimische, Munich 1841, p. 101.
G. Bumüller, Catalog der vereinigten Sammlungen (Munich, 1846), V. Sammlung von Schnitzwerken und Kunstarbeiten in Elfenbein, Holz, Stein und Metall, p. 404.
H. Otte, Handbuch der kirchlichen Kunst-Archäologie des deutschen Mittelalters (Leipzig, 1868), p. 279.
Das Bayerische Nationalmuseum, Munich 1868, p. 74.
J. Labarte, Histoire des arts industriels au Moyen Âge et à l'époque de la Renaissance (Paris, 1872-75), I, p. 128.
J. O. Westwood, Fictile Ivories in the South Kensington Museum (London, 1876), p. 461.
Das Mittelalter. II, Gotische Alterthümer der Baukunst und Bildnerei, by H. Graf, G. Hager and J. A. Mayer (Munich, 1896), VI, no. 1364, pl. XXVII.
R. Koechlin, Les Ivoires gothiques français (Paris, 1924), I, pp. 271-274, II, no. 759.
R. Berliner, Die Bildwerke des Bayerischen Nationalmuseums, IV. Die Bildwerke in Elfenbein, Knochen, Hirsch- und Steinbockhorn, mit einem Anhange: Elfenbeinarbeiten der Staatlichen Schlossmuseen in Bayern (Augsburg, 1926), no. 38.
Mittelalterliche Elfenbeinarbeiten: ausgewählte Werke aus den Beständen des Bayerischen Nationalmuseums, ed. by R. Eikelmann, M.Weniger and Ch. Melzer (Munich, 2010), no. 14.


© Bayerisches Nationalmuseum, Munich. Photography: Bastian Krack.

All images on this website are made available exclusively for scholarly and educational purposes and may not be used commercially.

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