Inv. 1228
Saint Louis standing; fleur-de-lys.
Polychromy - Gilding
Traces of gilding and polychromy.
Carved in the round.
Object Condition
Missing: forearms.
The museum was founded in the 1880s in the Capuchin friary of Marseille by Fr. Louis-Antoine de Porrentruy; the museum moved to Rome in 1905 (via Boncompagni) and reopened only in 1912. In 1927, it was transferred to Assisi, but came back to Rome in 1953 (via Sicilia). It settled in the current location in 1968. This particular piece may come into the collection when it was in Marseille.
P. Gerlach, S. Gieben, M. D'Alatri, Il Museo Francescano (Rome, 1973), p. 81.
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